Hiking has always been a passion of mine. Since I can remember, I loved to explore the dark and daring spaces of the daunting woods. Being the imaginative child that I was, I would envision large grizzly bears prowling the woods surrounding my house and even believed I heard a growl or two as soon as I ventured a few feet into the woodlands. Now that I am an adult (though some may question that statement), I still enjoy hiking through the woods, no matter what the conditions might be.

Crisp autumn days are my favorite time of year to go for a hike. Listening to the leaves crinkle under my feet and the smell of bursting pine trees and maple saplings makes the hiking more enticing.
Though summer is here and autumn isn’t quite upon us yet, I still will venture into the woods to get myself grounded from time to time. Stepping Stone Falls in West Greenwich is just one of the local trails that I like to travel with my husband and two dogs.
The trail we hiked was the Ben Utter Trail, which is part of the Tippecansett Trail. This trail was named after George Benjamin Utter, who was part of the Narragansett Chapter for the Appalachian Mountain Club. The trail is covered with ferns, tangled webs of fallen trees, and knotted roots from towering pines, which provides hikers with a challenging terrain.
Along the trail, you may find an abandoned shack or two or maybe an old pump house, but be careful, you may fall down the dark ravine! This trail can be mildly treacherous at times, with uprooted trees, tumbling rocks, and muddy waters, but mostly it’s pretty safe and serene. Stepping Stone Falls can be located west on Ten Rod Road, almost to Beach Pond State Park. Turn right onto Escoheag Hill Road (there will be a sign for Stepping Stone Stables) and go two miles, turning right on a dirt road. When it crosses the river, stop the car and discover Stepping Stone Falls.
For something a little less strenuous, try Browning Mill Pond Trail, located in Exeter, RI. This trail is part of the Arcadia Trail, which is 6 miles long. The trail is very scenic, with bubbling brooks, fern-encrusted hillsides, fields of flowering perennials, and lots of adventure. Expect to find an abandoned homestead or two from yesteryear, bringing much delight to those with an imagination. Though we didn’t see much wildlife, the area is known to be plentiful with four-legged creatures. You might catch a glimpse of a brown-eyed cotton-tailed rabbit, a gobbling wild turkey, or maybe even a deer or two as they glide through the woodlands.
The trail has a lot of variety, with open fields, fence-guided paths, and the ever-ready rocky terrain. About halfway through the trail, which tends to swing around Arcadia Pond, you will see an old weathered dam that my dogs thought was the keenest thing around! The trail is very peaceful, offering the hiker a serene passage through the woodlands. Do expect to be tired after this hike, as it is quite long, but the skilled hiker won’t mind that one bit. And make sure you carry bug spray since the trail wraps all the way around Browning Mill Pond, which tends to be pretty buggy at times.
Browning Mill Pond Trail is located in Exeter, RI. Follow the signs to Arcadia Management Headquarters and you will see a sign for Browning Mill Pond, located past the headquarters buildings. There is a fairly large parking area where you can park your vehicle, and the trail starts to the left of the parking lot. Pack a lot of water, too, as you get pretty thirsty on this one. And don’t forget the doggie treats if you plan on bringing your best friend along and enjoy the day!